Projects Tree

Home, drop down to manage files: browse recently opened files, create, open, append or save a Project from and to bsxp format

Search: Searches the Projects Tree for the typed text

Add Data: Add a Project or DataSource to the Projects Tree. See Configuring Connections for more information on configuring data connections

Additional actions are available in the Projects Tree by right clicking on nodes

Main Commands

Refresh: Refresh the data currently visible in the Data Panel.

Search: The filtered value applied to all columns in the active DataView or Board (you can use * as a wild card)

Clear Filters: Reset the data filters

See Search and Filter for more details.

When loaded in a viewer that allows appearance changes, more actions are available on the right hand side of the toolbar:

Hide Unselected and Reset Visibility of all items

Fade Out Unselected and Reset Appearance of all items


When the DataView or viewer support it, actions buttons are available to perform action on the DataView records, respectively for:

  • Creating,
  • Deleting and
  • Advanced Operations

Custom standalone buttons can also be configured. See Actions for more details.


Colour Filters: opens a dialogue to create, edit, sort and apply colour filters

See Colour Filtering for more details.

Transfer data,  opens a dialogue to create, edit, sort and run Data Transfer

See Data Transfers for more information