Commands Layout

BimSens's control is organised in 4 areas:

  • the Projects Tree on the left side gives quick access to the configuration of specific parts of the opened Project (DataSources, DataViews, etc.),
  • the top tool bar contains the Standard Commands on the left and the viewer commands on the right when loaded in a compatible viewer like Navisworks,
  • the bottom bar shows Application Statuses, with the tree path of the data being displayed and the viewer triggers,
  • the Data Panel in the middle shows and provides interaction with the data.

Most commands are only available once a connection is opened, and within supporting viewers.

For more details on each command, refer to the sections Standard Commands and Status Bar.

There are additionally a number of menu accessible via right click.


The black arrows on the right of some buttons indicate a sub menu.

You can also get access to 2 contextual menus from a Right Click on the grid or on the header.