From Timeliner
What is the Transfer from Timeliner
Timeliner Tasks have attached objects, each object potentially having associated records in BimSens's DataView. The Transfer from Timeliner allows you to transfer properties from the Timeliner Tasks onto the DataView records associated to its attached objects.
Transfer from Timeliner can be used to create 4D into Navisworks and then report the resulting Planned Dates back into the DataView. |
Configuring a Transfer from Timeliner
- From BimSens main form, in the top toolbar, open the
Transfer Dialogue
- Select Model Transfer and click New Transfer
- In the selection menu, pick Transfer from Timeliner. the Transfer Configuration Dialogue opens.
You must have Edit permission on the DataView to configure a Transfer to Timeliner. If you do not have permission an error message will be displayed. |
- Give the Transfer a Name
- Select the Timeliner Root to use for reporting
- On the Timeliner Field side, select the Task Properties to report
- On the DataView Property side, select the target Properties of the DataView
- You can click Run Now to run the Transfer immediately, or click OK to save the configuration and run the Transfer later. Configured Transfers can be run in one click from the Transfer Menu.