In this Section...

In this section you can trouble shoot the Change Notification

Try Subscription(s) Fails

The Grid does not Refresh

  • Have you activated the option Refresh when the DataView Notifies Changes?
  • Have you configured the Notifications for the Active DataView? Notifications need to be configured for each DataView separately and the DataView must be active to be refreshed automatically. 
  • Are you sure that a change did occur that should have triggered a refresh? Change can occur on the table without impacting the Notifications query result, for instance on another column.
  • Have you double checked your notification set up?
  • Do you have a BimSens dialogue from the same session already open? (The data will not be refreshed if another dialogue such as the Options, ID Match or Colour Filter dialogue is open; Only the Keys are allowed)

The Colour Filter is re-applied

  • Is the data being refreshed automatically? If not try trouble shooting that first with the steps above.
  • Have you tried applying the Colour Filter manually and was the result as expected?
  • Did you set one Colour Filter as the Auto Filter?
  • Did you set the option to automatically re-apply When the data is refreshed after a notification?
  • Is the Colour Filter targeting a Column that is available in the Active Layout? For Instance if the Auto Filter is targeting a calculated column from a Layout that is not the active, it cannot be applied.
  • Have you defined an ID Match for the Active DataView?