Creating a Text File DataSource

Use the Projects Tree or the Project Configuration dialogue to Create or Edit a new Text DataSource.

Configuring the Text File DataSource

Text File DataSources do not require any configuration, all the options are set in the view setup.

Configuring the Text File DataView(s)

DataView have standard and custom configurations areas. This section describes how to setup SQL DataView custom area. Refer to the standard section for information about setting up Parameters, Data Pivot or Calculated Columns.

You can create DataViews from multiple files under the same Text File DataSource. To create a new DataView, from the DataSource Configuration dialogue click the New DataView button. Refer to the section Configuring a DataView for more ways to create and edit DataViews.

To configure a Text File DataView:

  • Type the File Path, that is the full file path to the text file to open, including extension
  • Tick the box if 'First row has headers' if the first line in the file contains the column headers, untick it if the first line is data
  • Set the Delimiter to use to separate fields in the file
  • Tick the box Text fields are between quotes if the text fields are qualified with quotes and can contains special characters such as return carriage