Setting up the Calendar
What is a Calendar?
Calendar are used to define the working days and holidays.
When do I need to set one up?
When calculating Durations during data transfers for instance, BimSens can follow a user defined Calendar to take working days and holidays in consideration. The Calendar setup is accessible via the Home >
Options form or through warning messages whenever BimSens detects that it is about to use the Calendar.
Calendar Definition
Calendar are defined by a Standard Week specifying which days are worked and which one are not, Standard Day specifying the hours that are worked, and Holidays, either a single day or a range with both a From and a To date. You can have overlapping ranges, and the order in which the Holidays are defined does not impact the calculation.
Standard Day information is currently only used to set the Opening of Business and Close of Business time on date fields through out BimSens, for instance when editing a date field of a DataView.
Calendars, as most of BimSens configuration, can be saved to independent bsxc files that you can easily load into another Project, and are automatically saved within the current Project bsxp file. |