What is the Cross Views Transfer?

The Cross Views Transfer allow you to transfer data directly from any DataView to any editable DataView, for instance keeping an Excel Schedule syncronised with a P6 Web Services Project, or downloading workpack documentations links from Asite into an Excel tracker.

Configuring a Cross Views Transfer

  • From BimSens main form, in the top toolbar, open the Transfer Dialogue
  • Select Cross Views and click New Transfer. The Cross Views Transfer configuration dialogue opens
  • Select the Source View to read values from, and the Target View to write values to (If a DataView is not available in the Target View drop down, this may indicate that the DataView is not editable)
  • In the Matching section, select the column(s) from the Source View to match to the column(s) of the Target View
  • In the Update Existing Records section, under Transfer, select the Source Column to transfer onto the Target Column. Note that you can have multiple mappings for the same Target Column to account for multiple sources with different headers names
    • Tick the option Transfer new values only if your Source View is only a partial update and contains Null values that you want to ignore. When this option is not ticked, existing values in the Target View are are overwritten even when the Source View value is Null.
  • In the Create Unmatched Records section, with DataView that support creation of new records, you can select an Action to run to create records that are found in the Source View and not in the Target View. Select the Source Column to map to the Action Parameter and choose a Transformation rule to aggregate multiple records with the same Id.
  • You may have more than one row in the Source View matching each row in the Target View. The default behaviour is to take the value of the Last Matching row, but you can override this at a mapping level by unselecting the option 'Ignore multiple rows' to specify your own Transformation. The aggregation rules are the same as the one for the Data Pivot
  • By default if any mapping is missing, the transfer will terminate with an error. To override this behaviour you can deactivate the option 'Exit transfer when a mapping is missing' and change the Missing Action parameter for each mapping. The options are:
    • Terminate: the transfer will terminate if that mapping is missing (default)
    • Ignore: the transfer will continue and not try to change that value for the matched records
    • Set Null: the value will be set to Null
    • Prompt when Any: if any of the mappings mapped to the same target column are missing, the transfer will stop and prompt the user to continue (=ignore that missing mapping) or terminate
    • Prompt when All: if all the mappings mapped to the same target column are missing, the transfer will stop and prompt the user