Search and Filter
BimSens allows you to Search and Filter the data in the grid in multiple ways:
- By typing a a value to search in the Quick Search bar
- By selecting values in the one or several Column Filter
- By defining Custom Filter for one or several columns
- Finally filtering conditions are automatically added when you select items in the viewer or change the viewpoint and the 3D Trigger is active.
The visible rows on the grid are the one respecting the Search criteria, all Columns & Custom Filters AND the 3D Trigger filters. If some records are not showing, you might need to reset the filters. Click the Reset Filters |
Quick Search
The Quick Search allows you to search a value within all cells in the grid. The Quick Search box is located in the top toolbar, enter a value to search in the Quick Search box, and rows will automatically start to filter as you type. Click the Search button run the same search again if you change something in the grid.
The grid is automatically filtered to only show rows with at least one cell with a match. All matches within the row are highlighted.
The search is performed on the text representation of the cell value. Numeric or date values can have a different text representation for the search engine than that displayed on the screen, and some search value may not work with these types. |
Column Filters
Column Filters allow you to filter values displayed in each column. To open the Column Filters right click the column header and un-check the values to exclude in the tree. You can use the Select All button to toggle the check state of all nodes at once.
The button Clear Column Filters resets both the Column Filter and Custom Filters for the column to show all values.
Custom Filters
Custom Filters allow you to filter numeric or date values of a column using operators such as =, >, <. To open the Custom Filters right click the column header and click Custom Filters.
In the Custom Filters dialogue, select an operator and a value to compare to. You can select a value from the list of values currently found in the DataView or type your own. You can add an additional filtering criteria by selecting a value for the second row and choosing whether both conditions need to apply (And) or either condition is sufficient (Or).
To find values that falls between 2 reference values, use a combination of filters GreaterThan and LessThan with the And operator. |