A Project is a collection of DataSources sharing configuration information such as a common Calendar.
More generally, related DataSources are grouped under a common Project that can easily be shared as a single bsxp configuration file.
To configure a new Project, right click the Sources Manager Tree below the last node, and in the contextual menu select New Project.
The Project Configuration Dialogue opens, allowing you to name the Project as you want it to appear in the Sources Manager Tree, and add DataSource to it.
A Project can be protected with a password that will be required for anyone to edit any part of the configuration with an Admin licence.
You can load or append an existing bsxp Project configuration using the File menu of the main dialogue, or the Import button of the Project dialogue. You can also save a loaded Project configuration to a shareable bsxp file using the Save As... button. Note that compatibility restrictions apply to previous version of BimSens. |
A Project is now created but it cannot yet display data. For the Project to display data it needs at least one DataSource.
To add DataSource(s) to the Project, click the New DataSource button, and refer to the Configuring a DataSource section.