Version 2.0.4 (29/06/2020)


New! Timespan, guid and 'data' (document) data type supported, included document preview in html board control

Better: hyperlinks can contain comma (when qualified)

Better: hyperlinks support custom protocols

Better: hyperlinks can have alternative display text static or from another column

Fix: Board binding of complex pivoted data takes a long time

Fix: Board lose layout or don't bind to data after refresh

New! Parameters support formulas to calculate values dynamically

New! Loads of new parameters including file names, refresh date and other auditing properties

Better: Calculated columns support parameters in formulas

Better: Beautified headers in data control


Better: Excel NPOI DataSource data source allows for header separated from data rows

Better: Excel NPOI DataSource implements parameter expression with cell reference (e.g. =Sheet1!A2)

Better: Excel NPOI DataSource support relative file path for workbook

Better: Text DataSource support relative file path for workbook


Fix: Text DataSource not saving new values

(3D) Viewers

Better: Navisworks implementation of parameter expression with selected model item property reference (e.g. =Element.Id)

Version 2.0.3 (14/12/2019)


New! Web hosted project files can be loaded into the desktop application

Better: DataSource can have multiple supported Authentication modes that the end user can choose from

Fix: Crash when filters are too long

(3D) Viewers

New! Trigger To select rows in the grid when the objects are selected in 3D

Better: Navisworks set project parameters regardless of the order of opening (BimSens Project first or model file first)

Version (07/11/2019)


New! Parameter implementation for DataView, DataSource, Project and Viewer

check it out

Better: Improved authentication experience

Better: Projects Tree supports partial, exact and exclusion searches

Fix: Grid header value loading bug (race condition)

Fix: Password lock doesn't work when Project has not yet been saved

Fix: Colour Filter copy throws error

Fix: App crash when no Recent Files are found

Projects Tree

New! Ability to hide nodes in the tree from the non Admin users

check it out


New! Board styling including icons and margins

Better: All DataView on a Board are loaded upon activation

Fix: Issue with KPI element in Author and Viewer modes


New! AIMS and SQL  DataView parameterised views

New! AIMS DataView now read and write, with action to create asset

Better: SQL DataView removed unnecessary refresh when running an action

Fix: Asite authentication issue (TLS12 support)

Fix: Asite authentication when not in Admin mode

(3D) Viewers

New! Navisworks file parameters (name, extension, path) can be used in data transfer and supporting queries

New! Navisworks selection properties parameters can be used in data transfer and supporting queries

New! Navisworks transfer to hyperlinks

Check it out

Fix: Navisworks index does not refresh when a model is closed and reopened

Version 2.0.1 (05/09/2019)


Better: Multiple enhancement to memory consumption (and a few leaks fixed, granted) leading to loading speed and memory improvement of x3 to x7 with big data sets

Better: Allow running API without a viewer attached

Fix: Support for pdf page link with relative path

Fix: Text editing control wraps on multiple line with long uninterrupted text


New! Filter Pane Element to filter data across all boards and views

watch it on youtube

New! KPI Element to aggregate data into flashy indicators

watch it on youtube

New! Html Element to display static html, text and html from DataView columns, or preview documents

watch it on youtube


Better: Excel support for text formatted numbers


Fix: Existing Layout does not update when a calculated column data type is changed

(3D) Viewers

Fix: Restored Navisworks Descendant check option


Fix: Default server licence mode is not set properly when the option /override is not also set to true

Version (14/08/2019 - Still teething)


Fix: Layouts are lost on Board when a DataView was activated before the Board was first loaded

Fix: Licence Author and Viewer cannot open Board with images on it

Version (12/08/2019)


Better: Ability to edit Layout directly from the Board configuration

Better: Visual cue when dragged panels are about to swap

Fix: Drag and resize issues when going out of the board, or the cursor wouldn't change

Fix: Data Model relations are duplicated when changes are cancelled

Fix: Board not closed when project is closed

Fix: Board duplication raises 'object not set' exception


Fix: Search crashes when byte columns (images) are loaded


Fix: Layout are not saved when created by direct edit (drag drop, column change etc.)

Version 2.0 (07/08/2019)


New! Create Boards with multiple DataViews and images

check it out OR

watch a mesmerising video about it

New! Edit and add content to Boards by drag and dropping from the tree

New! Customise your Boards into Apps by adding branding with custom images and text

New! Link Board DataViews together with relationships

check it out

New! Use our APIs to create your own Element

UI/UX Design

New! Fully re-branded with a nice 2020-look, and more rabbits

Better: In-App help banners in dialogue when opened for the first time

Better: Controls / Actions are hidden based on licence level (simpler to use for basic users)

Better: Option to activate Projects Tree item with single click

New! Projects Tree search

Better: Improved DataSource creation workflow

Better: Grid column header menu load speed improved (Lazy Load)

New! Ability to pin Recent files to favourite, in improved menu

Fix: Tree Node don't go in rename mode when simply clicked

(3D) Viewers


Better: Viewer name shown on filters panes

Better: Navisworks Data Transfer support for 'Internal Constant' properties

Better: StandAlone Viewer shows active project name in title

Fix: Revit selection sync working again


Better: Action can execute when only Reference arguments are missing

Better: Optimised action execution speed + no limit in recurrence/loop

Data Transfers

Better: Improved  preview dialogue with filtering/search

Fix: Data Transfer detects and flag missing key columns instead of showing them as possibly updated records


New! Option for rows to auto-size based on content

Better: Calculated columns definition moved to DataView


New! Installer parameters to set the a default licence and force override of default licence type when using a licences server

check it out

Better: Quick licence mode button on main control to switch between licence mode easily when using a licences server

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