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Version 1.28 (01/03/2018)


New! Cross Views transfer to transfer data from one view directly to another without needing import/export

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Better: Csv import support multiple files import in one run

Fix: Csv import handles special characters


New! Transaction system to enable roll-back of large changes (e.g. transfers that fail half way)

Fix: Projects are always restored even when setting is turned off

Fix: Sources Manager Tree blinks and takes a long time to close when closing BimSens

Fix: Exporting and Importing a DataView back in the same Project creates conflict with Navisworks ID Match

Excel DataSource

Better: big speed improvement when running large edit actions through transfers or creating rows

Better: Created cells are formatted as date when hosting date values (keep format already applied if any)

Fix: File change notification could not be turned off


Better: Navisworks Transfer to Properties support merging of different transfer under one tab

Data Pivot

Better: Column headers height can be changed (providing rendering speed improvement on large grids with complex Layout)

Version 1.28.1 (11/03/2018)


New! Filters Banner listing all active filters for columns, viewer and search and allowing easy modification

Better: Data Source and Project files can be dropped on the Sources Manager Tree or the gird

Better: Viewpoint mode for default value in actions

Fix: Support for special characters and multiple lines in column headers names

Fix: Filters persistence improved between Layouts and their parent DataView


New! New trigger to automatically isolate selection in 3D after grid selection

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Better: Form & Actions fields now support long text names. Which is not to say that you should have long names anyway...

SQL DataSource

Better: Support for command time-out value

NPOI DataSource

Fix: Column type identified as date too loosely

Data Pivot

Better: Column headers height can be changed (providing rendering speed improvement on large grids with complex Layout)

Version 1.28.2 (03/04/2018)

CSV Import

Fix: Error message loop when invalid values are detected


Better: Layout columns are maintained hidden when not available in the view, allowing Layout to be defined for pivoted data with variable column names

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Cross View Transfer

Better: Performance improvement when updating data with little change

Data Pivot

Better: Option to change row group appearance including borders and cell value

Better: Performance improvement when rendering data with multiple level of pivoted columns

Version 1.28.3 (12/04/2018)


New! Option to password protect Project configuration so that only user with Admin/Full licence and the password can change the configuration

Better: Fast load for column header menu

Better: Support for byte data type

Better: Improved TrueFalse (Boolean / Bit) data type rendering in the grid and in the editing control to make it clearer and more consistent

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