The last configuration step is to define the Attributes Rules. Attributes Rules can be managed using the BIMSens App, but can also be edited directly from the MoQu Navisworks Plugin by selecting attributes from the analysis result. This second method limits the errors related to typos.

Attributes Rules via BIMSens

Continuing under Configuration > Settings, using the Attributes Rules panel, add and remove rules as required. A null value is considered a wild card (match any value), and the '%' sign is used to define partial wild card. Together with the Include flag this can be used to define both Inclusion and Exclusion Rules.

The Attributes Rules are resolved the following way:

  • If any include-Rule is defined, then the Attribute must match at least one of the include-Rule to be indexed, and
  • if any Exclude-Rule is defined, then the Attribute must match none of the exclude-Rule to be indexed
  • The Attribute value must not be any of the Ignored Values defined at the Repository Level

Attribute Rules via Navisworks

To learn more about how you can use the MoQu Navisworks plugin to edit and review attribute rules, refer to the Model Analysis use case.

We have now completed the minimum configuration of the Project, and can head back to Navisworks to Analyse our first Model.

Alternatively, you can deep dive into expert settings such as Units Parsing, Versioning and Users Management


Units Parsing | Basic Use Case | Advanced Processes