In this Section...

In this section you can trouble shoot the editing of data

I can't change the cell I want in the grid?

  • Does the DataView support editing? From the DataSource types proposed by default, only the Excel NPOI and SQL server DataViews support editing at the moment. Check the documentation of third party provider to see if their DataSource supports it.
  • Have you configured the compatible DataView to allow editing? Even when DataViews support editing you might have to configure it. Check the documentation for SQL DataViews and NPOI DataViews to see how to enable editing.

I can't set the value I want?

  • Values are strong typed (Date, Numbers, Text etc.) are you typing the value in the appropriate format? In particular are you using commas or dot as decimal separator?

I changed the value with no error but it is not showing

  • Have you tried refreshing the DataView?
  • When using SQL server DataViews, have you double checked the Update info (you could be updating the wrong table)?
  • When using Excel NPOI DataViews, are you writing a value of the correct type? If you forced the column type to Number for instance and are inputting text, the text will be written to Excel but ignored by BimSens

The Sequence Edit need to be done twice

This can happen with the NPOI DataSource where the first edit of a session needs to be a single or multi edit.