Editing a Sequence
BimSens Sequence Edit allows you to edit multiple items in a defined ordered with a numbering sequence.
Base Sequence
To start a Sequence Edit, select one or multiple items in 3D or in the Grid, right click one of the item in the Grid and click Sequence Edit. The Sequence Configuration dialogue opens.
- Check that you are editing the correct property in the Edit field.
- Check the Record Id values to ensure that you are editing the right items. The Record Id is automatically provided by each DataView type and can vary depending on the DataView. For instance the Record Id in a SQL DataView is the ID Column as defined in the writing permission, while the Record Id for an Excel DataView is the row index, starting at 0.
You can still add items by selecting elements in BimSens's main grid or in 3D if an ID Match is defined. You can also reorder item and the sequence numbering will automatically update. |
- If you are satisfied with the default sequence press Set and you are done
- If you want to do some magic instead, click the
Configure Sequence button to setup:
- The Numbering Scheme
- The Base Value separator and position
- The Reference Property to keep track of what/how much your sequence contains
Numbering Scheme
You can change the sequence numbers by changing the Scheme.
- Select either a Numeric or Alphabetical Scheme, and
- Specify the Start index.
- When using Numeric scheme, you can specify the number of Digits to use in the numbering.
Note that The Digits property only applies to property that are stored as text: if you are editing a property that is numeric, for instance a SQL Decimal, the Digits property will have no effect since the SQL DataView will automatically truncate the leading zeros and convert the number 001 for instance, to its decimal value: 1.0 |
Base Value
Changing the Base Value allows you to define a prefix or suffix for the sequence number.
- In the Base Value field enter a text value.
- Choose the Base Value Position to be either before or after the sequence number, and
- Specify a Separator character.
Control Property
The Control Property can be used to monitor a summary value such as the sum or the average of all records in the sequence.
- To activate the Control Property, click the Control button.
- Choose a Control Property from the Control Property menu and a calculation method from the Calculate menu. The Control Property is added to the grid with the value for each record, and the summary value is displayed at the bottom of the form.
The Control Property can be used to track maximum capacity of a load. For instance if you are assigning pre-cast components to a truck you may want to check that the total weight does not exceed the maximum load. |