What is the Object Browser?

The Configuration Assistant, or Object Browser is a dialogue that can be used throughout the configuration of a SQL DataSource to use object names or snippets of codes from the database directly instead of typing them manually and risking errors.

Where do I find it?

The Object Browser can be accessed from 3 areas during the configuration of a SQL or Azure DataSource:

  • When configuring the read query, to assist with schema, tables, views stored procedures and columns names
  • When configuring the write access, to assist with the tables, views, keys and columns names
  • When configuring the actions to get predefined SQL statement for INSERT and DELETE actions

Assistant for the Read Query

The Assistant for the query contains a tree with all SQL objects from the database:

  • The first level contains groups of objects by type
  • The second level contains the objects themselves (tables, views and stored procedure)
  • Tables and views have a third level with the column names


The tree can be filtered to only show objects from a given schema/owner or using the filter to perform a full text search. When using the filter, only the nodes with a matching schema, table, view, procedure or column name will be shown.
The tree search supports alternative terms: 'term1 term2' and mandatory terms 'term1+term2'

Double Click an object in the tree to apply the default query template associated to the object (e.g. SELECT * FROM Table for table objects).

Right Click the object to select another template from the list.

  • Hold the Shift button to use vertical query layout
  • Hold the Ctrl button to insert text at the cursor location instead of replacing the current query. If text is selected the selected text is replaced.
  • If there are multiple nodes selected in the tree, they will be inserted consecutively separated by a coma.
  • By default the Assistant uses object Short Names e.g. ColumnName, you can chose formatting options for:
    • Parent Qualified names e.g. Table.ColumnName,
    • Schema Qualified names e.g. Schema.Table.ColumnName, and
    • Use Brackets to support special characters in names e.g. [My Table].[ColumnName] as per T-SQL specifications.

Assistant for the Writing Permissions

The Assistant for the writing permissions contains a grid with the object Type, Name, Column Name, Table Key Name(s) and current user permissions.

To add a column to the list of columns that the user can edit from the DataView, double click the corresponding row. Alternatively, select multiple rows and click Use Selected.

This will automatically add the column to the list of editable columns with the corresponding parent Table and and ID Column(s). Note that when a table has a composite key, all columns of the key are showing coma delimited.


The grid can be filtered to only show columns from a given schema/owner or using the filter to perform a full text search. When using the filter, only the columns with a matching schema, table, view or column name will be shown.

Assistant for the Standard Statements

From BimSens version 3.0, the Assistant for Standard Statements (INSERT/DELETE) is the same as that of Read Queries.

Right Click the target table and select the required template, or Double Click the Stored Procedure to use the execute statement.

When creating a DELETE statement, the configuration assistant tries to use the table primary key to limit the scope using a WHERE close.

If the table has no key it will replace the WHERE close with a warning. Make sure you correct the statement once it is used in the command.


Be careful with delete statement, failing to provide the appropriate WHERE close can result in the loss of data