What is a Configuration
Configurations define values override for parameters in a Parameter Store. Multiple Configurations can be created with different override to create different environments.
With SQL DataSource for instance, Configuration can be used to filter the source data depending on the parameter, or even target different database or server.
Create a Configuration
To create a Configuration:
- Open the Project Configuration dialogue and click the Configuration button to open the Parameters dialogue.
- In the Parameters dialogue under the Configurations section, click the Create... or Edit... links.
Configurations are only supported at the Project level at this time; Other Parameters Store will not display the Configurations option |
- Add a row for each Parameter to override and specify the new Expression to use to override the default value.
Only user defined parameters can be overridden. If no parameter is available in the drop down selection, return to the Parameter dialogue to add at least one. |
- Upon returning to the Parameters dialogue, the Configuration(s) created can be selected from the Configurations drop down, along with the <Default> values. Selecting a configuration will highlight the parameters that are being overridden in the grid
- Check the option Show Configurations Selector in the App to make the Configurations drop down visible for selection directly into the main BimSens control.
When are Configuration Used
The user will be prompted to pick a Configuration when a Configuration Parameters is first used for a Project, this is usually when refreshing or loading a DataView or Board for the first time.
After that the user can change the Configuration from the drop down menu, unless it was hidden by the App Developer.