Configuring a Layout
What is a Layout?
A Layout is a sub set of the data from the parent DataView, with a limited number of columns, custom formatting and sorting.
Creating a New Layout
Layouts can be created:
- From the Projects Tree, right click a
DataView Node or a
Layout Node and select
New Layout
An existing Layout can be cloned:
- From the Projects Tree, right click a Layout Node, select New Layout and confirm the duplication.
Layouts can be edited:
- From the Projects Tree, right click a Layout Node and select Configure
- Right click the Gird Header and select the
Columns button.
Configuring the Layout
When you create or edit a Layout, the Layout Configuration Dialogue opens:
- Specify a Name for the Layout, this is the name as displayed in the Projects Tree.
- In the Show column you can specify whether each column is visible or not. Note that the data of a hidden column is stilled pulled from the DataSource every time the DataSource is refreshed, when possible you should limit the number of column that are pulled from the DataSource by configuring the DataView.
- Use the Reorder buttons to reorder the columns of the Layout: move one or multiple columns down, at the bottom, up or at the top. You can also Remove columns if they are calculated columns.
Columns can be reordered directly from the BimSens grid with a drag and drop operations. The active Layout will automatically be updated and a new Layout will be created if none is active. |
- The Column Name is read only. Some DataView may support column renaming, refer to the DataView configuration.
- The Column Data Type is read only. Some DataView may support editing of the column type, refer to the DataView configuration.
When the Column Data Type is 'Text', BimSens provide 2 additional formatting options:
- Wrap Text: Wrap the text of the cell on multiple line when it is too long instead of truncating it
- Is Hyperlink: format the column to display hyperlinks that you can click, with a menu to select from multiple links if you enter multiple value delimited by a comma
Tick the option Hyperlinks when the column contains file names or urls, this tells BimSens that the content is to be displayed as clickable links. By default BimSens requires Ctrl + click to open hyperlinks, this is to avoid disturbing the normal row selection process. You can change this and allow single click activation via the Options dialogue |
You can use relative path for hyperlinks. Relative path are resolved in the following order:
If not found then:
if not found then:
if not found then:
if not found then... Are you sure you want to use relative path? |
- The cell Alignment. When the alignment is on NotSet the cell alignment is the default for BimSens's grid. The other values are combination of vertical and horizontal alignment, respectively Top, Middle, Bottom and Left, Centre, Right.
- The Display Format allows you to specify formatting for numeric and date values, for instance to round up decimal numbers, display as percentages, add units etc. The standard formats are defined by one letter for the type of number and optionally one digit for the precision. For instance the format C displays a Currency with default precision while C2 displays a Currency rounded to 2 decimals.
Value |
Format |
Formatted value |
1234.5678 |
C |
£1234.56 |
1234.5678 |
C0 |
£1235 |
1234.5678 |
E |
1.234568E+003 |
1234.5678 |
N3 |
1,234.568 |
0.12345 |
P1 |
12.3% |
See more standard numeric format |
1234.5678 |
00000 |
01235 |
0.12345 |
#.## |
.12 |
0.12345 |
0.### |
0.123 |
12345678 |
##,# |
12,345,678 |
12345678 |
#,#,,M$ |
12M$ |
See more custom numeric format |
2009-06-15T13:45:30 |
d |
15/06/2009 |
2009-06-15T13:45:30 |
D |
Monday, June 15, 2009 |
2009-06-15T13:45:30 |
G |
15/06/2009 13:45:30 |
See more standard date format |
#29/08/2014 7:27:15PM# |
dddd dd MMMM |
Friday 29 August |
#29/08/2014 7:27:15PM# |
mm |
27 |
#29/08/2014 7:27:15PM# |
Aug |
#29/08/2014 7:27:15PM# |
yy/MM/dd H:mm |
14/08/29 7:27 |
#29/08/2014 7:27:15PM# |
HH:mm |
19:27 |
See more custom date format |
The Auto Size mode of the column is used to adjust the column width based on the cells content or when the grid is resized:
- Not Set: the column width is set by BimSens's grid
- None: the column width is fixed
- Column Header: the column width is adjusted to the content of the header
- All Cells Except Header: the column width is adjusted to the content of all cells, except the header
- All Cells: the column width is adjusted to the content of all cells, including the header
- Displayed Cells Except Header: the column width is adjusted to the content of all visible cells in the grid, except the header
- Displayed Cells: the column width is adjusted to the content of all visible cells in the grid, including the header
- Fill: the column width is adjusted to fill the remaining space (shared between all columns set to Fill)
The Preferred Width allows you to specify a fix column width when the column Auto Size is set to None or a minimum width when the column Auto Size is set to Fill and there is not enough visible space to display all columns without scrolling. Values inferior to the minimum column width are ignored.
When the selected column is a calculated column you can edit the column formula
Specifies the preferred row height when rows are resized. This is set automatically when the user resizes row in the grid if the user has a valid licence level to edit configuration (otherwise the resizing is applied but not saved). Values of zero or less are ignored
Calculated columns are no longer defined at the Layout level. They must now be setup when configuring DataView in the Calculated Columns section |