Creating a PosgreSQL DataSource

Use the Sources Manager Tree or the Project Configuration dialogue to Create or Edit a new MySQL DataSource.

Configuring the PosgreSQL DataSource

To setup a PosgreSQL DataSource:

  • Enter the Server Name and Port
  • Enter your Login and Password
  • Enter the name of the Database to connect to or open the drop down menu and select the Database from the available list. The list is refreshed when the drop down first opens if the server and login information provided is correct

Configuring the PosgreSQL DataView(s)

You can create DataViews from multiple tables or views in the DataSource. To create a new DataView, from the DataSource Configuration dialogue click the New DataView button. Refer to the section Configuring aDataView  for more ways to create and edit DataViews.

To configure a PosgreSQL DataView:

  • Enter a view Name
  • Type the SQL query to run on the database (ensure the syntax matches that supported by the version of PosgreSQL that is installed on the server).