In this Section...
In this section you can trouble shoot Data and 3D viewer association issues.
Can't find the property you need in the ID Match Dialogue
- Properties available for the ID Match on the Model side are listed when you first open the ID Match dialogue. If you had item selected or if you cancelled the search half way the property you need might not have been found yet. Click the Get More Model Properties button to resume the property listing.
- If you have item selected in 3D when you run the search, only properties of the selection are listed. If the property you want is not available, close the ID Match dialogue, clear the selection in 3D re-open the ID Match Dialogue and run the search again.
- Properties available for the ID Match on the DataView side are listed directly from the DataView, you cannot change this.
Having trouble linking the data to the 3D?
- Have you checked that the triggers are active? You can activate them from the advanced tool bar
or in the Options > Match & Triggers > Triggers
- Have you defined an ID Match for the Active DataView or Layout? You can set the ID Match from the advanced tool bar
or in the Options > Match & Triggers > ID Match
- Are you selecting objects in 3D:
- with the Selection Resolution set to something else than Geometry or Last Object?, or
- using the Trap Selection tool?, or
- at a high level directly from the tree?
In these situations, make sure that the object(s) that you select directly have the properties used by the ID Match, or activate the appropriate inheritance or descendants check options.
- Is the ID Match hiding errors from you (because you have disabled the error notifications in the options)
- In Revit version before 2019 the selection can update but the view does not refresh to show selected objects. Make sure the view is refreshed. It can also happen on older version that the selection hook is not attached in which case you may need to restart Revit