BimSens can be opened stand alone to just see the data, but it is also supported by third party software like Navisworks.
Each viewer can have special features implemented, Navisworks being the most complete at this time:
The activation of BimSens and the commands available on the BimSens control panel depends on each viewer.
The complete list of commands is indicative and some may not have been implemented (yet) for certain viewer or may not be possible at all.
To find out how to start BimSens and which functionalities are accessible in each viewer, refer to the corresponding documentation:
Configuration files are designed to be shared by multiple viewers.
When you open a configuration file in a viewer different from the original authoring viewer, the configuration of the previous viewer(s) is preserved while allowing you to add functionalities and overwrite it. The original authoring viewer can still use the file and will simply ignore the non-compatible sections if any.
This powerful mechanism allows you to share centralised DataSource configuration among multiple viewers.