You can use BimSens installer to deploy it to your machine:
You may need Administrator rights to run the installer. |
Once installed you can choose to run the standalone version of BimSens (no 3D viewer).
You will need a licence file or to connect to a server to run BimSens
To control the installation behaviour the installer can be run with switches as defined here
In particular you may be interested in switches /SILENT, /VERYSILENT and /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES to deploy installation silently to users.
In addition to the standard switches, you can use the parameter /serverurl="your server address" to set the environment variable that defines the licence server location.
Each 3D viewer can have a specific installation procedure.
To launch BimSens within a 3D viewer, refer to the corresponding documentation:
If you wish to install a Licences Server, follow the steps in the topic: Licences Server