Configuring a View

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What is a DataView?

A DataView is a table of data loaded from the DataSource. It can have associated Colour Filters and Layouts.

The DataView is also where the Read and Write permissions are defined, as well as the available Actions.

Creating a New DataView

DataViews can be created in 3 ways:

An existing DataView can be cloned:

Similarly DataViews can be edited:

Configuring the DataView

The DataView Configuration Dialogue allows you to define a Name for the DataView as you want it to be displayed to the user in the Sources Manager Tree.

The Configuration section is specific to the DataSource provider, refer to the corresponding documentation for more details.


Some DataViews may not be configurable.


Configuring a Data Pivot

DataViews support multi-columns Data Pivot with rows grouping and many types of value aggregate. To configure a Data Pivot refer to the topic Data Pivot