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Changes of Version 1.26 (10/12/2017)


New! Dedicated file extension for BimSens Project, BSXP that can be opened via double click

New! Dedicated file extension for BimSens components (DataSource, DataView etc.), BSXC to import/export

New! Recent files menu to quickly open or append recent projects to the tree

Better: Added filtering state dedicated to each DataView and Layout, resolving the bug when changing filters after changing the active DataView

Better: Custom column filters support unsafe characters in column names

Fix: Attempt 018 at fixing issue for auto update through proxy. This time we think we got it.

Fix: bug when copy pasting from the grid the columns are not in the same order

Fix: slow Sources Manager Tree navigation with many nodes

Data Pivot

Better: Taking number parts into account when sorting column headers

Better: Ability to reorder fields in Data Pivot configuration dialogue

Fix: bug when drag and dropping multiple fields at once

Fix: display issue with headers when resizing with multi-line headers

CSV Import

Better: Added better fuzzy matching of file column names and DataView column names and Action parameters

MySQL DataSource

New! DataSource for MySQL databases, read only

Changes of Version 1.26.1 (25/12/2017 00:00, Ho, Ho, Ho!)


New! Added option to perform case sensitive operations including ID Match, Filtering, Colour filtering and Pivot

Check it out

Data Pivot

Better: Improved performance when rendering pivoted data with multiple pivot column levels

Changes of Version 1.26.2 (13/01/2018)


New! Read and write support for image data type on the DataView


Better: Hyperlinks support relative path (to source file, viewer file and project file)

New! Can set text to Wrap on multiple lines

New! Row height changes apply to all rows, and can be configured and saved in Layout

SQL DataSource

New! Support for image data type (byte array), using the image type in the table

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