Component Tracking – Western Australia

BIMSens is ideal for components tracking using bespoke SQL data sources where you can put all its feature to use, including custom actions tied to stored procedures, and change notifications for your model to always reflect latest status live.

With version, BIMSens also introduced a direct connection to SiteSense by Intelliwave, a web based bar-code and RFID tracking system. Tying to this web portal enabled two mining projects teams to get live component status from fabrication, pre-assembly and shipping all the way through yards, assembly and quality checks. While SiteSense already included a web portal to browse this data in a tabular format, visualising the information directly against the model provided great insight in the progress of the project and potential delays.

RoyHill - Material Tracking CVR122 - 141203 - 01 + Key


These mega projects spread over very large areas often resulting in difficulties to find materials in the yards. Being able to find out the location of any element or group of elements from a simple click in the model was an important benefit of the system compared to traditional trial and error approach, but also compared to the built in search engine of SiteSense that requires you to know the id or mark of the element you are looking for.

BIMSens connection to Primavera P6 was also used to create look ahead visuals of the assemblies, helping the team to understand the upcoming work, and enabling early identification of missing components by cross checking against delivery status from SiteSense.

CapeLambert - Lookahead 2013-12-19 2

On a performance level, the project size was quite a challenge with up to 1M individual items in the models and 400k records in the SiteSense data set, including all history of statuses. Applying the colour filters in a brute force fashion took initially about 40min. This was streamlined down to about 5min by doing some search optimisation in Navisworks and working with the SiteSense development team to reduce the original data set size. This is also when BIMSens introduced the Multiple Match Resolution, to filter out matches based on different criteria and still be able to decide on a single colour to apply to each element.

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